Last week I received my new Monofin from Leaderfins, the Hyper Professional.

The order

The order was placed via the Onlineshop of the company. While payment via wire transfer I had the first issues: The shop wants me to set all transer fees should be paid by the customer. My bank site does not support this setting - there is just a info icon that transfer cost in the same country are paid by the customer, international transfers by te receiver. There is nothing I can do so I have paid the correct sum. At Wednesday they received the money - looks like the amount they got was correct.

After that, the state of the order changed to processing - and after the 20 working days were over, I have asked if its already sent. It wasn't. I got a mail that five additional working days are required. I got a frontal snorkel offered for the delay and on friday it was sent.

The Monofin

The monofin is large and has the perfect size for me in the water. The power it brings to water is great because it fits exactly my body. I used it in a public pool (Waldbad Enz) twice and once in a lake (Bodensee). Depending on how many people are in the pool, the fin might be too strong due too fast movement. In the lake on the other hand it's perfect to get to the ground quickly and dive along the ground and water plants in Strandbad Bregenz. I can definitly recommend this fin. I have a hard version of size 43 (9).